Watermelon is an old fruit with a bright red color and is sweet—with the Little seeds embedded throughout the fruit. The health benefits of watermelon are mentioned in detail. Because it is the best source of Vitamins A and C, watermelon has some health benefits.


Watermelon contains a variety of nutrients like Potassium, Mg, Vitamins A and C. 
Nutrients quantity in 1 cup (152g) of raw, diced watermelon: 
K: 4% of the Daily value (DV) 
Mg: 4% of the DV 
Vitamin A: 5% of the DV 
Vitamin C: 14% of the DV 
Calories: 46 
Protein: 0.9g
Fat: 0.2g
Health benefits of watermelon

Health Benefits Of Watermelon:

watermelon has great benefits because it does;

  • Helps you stay hydrated
  • Contains plant compounds and beneficial nutrients
  • Anti-cancer effects
  • Good for heart health
  • Relives in inflammation and oxidative stress
  • Beneficial for bones and joints
  • Helps in eye protection
  • Reduces muscle soreness
  • Health benefits for skin
  • Helps in the digestive system

It Helps you stay hydrated

Allah says that every living thing is created by water so, science has proved that the living body is composed of cells and contains much water in its cytoplasm. Almost every cellular function is performed in the presence of water. Temperature regulation, nutrient transportation, and other cellular activities are performed well because of water. As watermelon is a sweet fruit that is rich in water content with low calories, it is the best choice for weight management.

Contains plant compounds and nutrients 

Watermelon contains a variety of nutrients like Potassium, Mg, Vitamins A and C. 

Nutrient quantity in 1 cup (152g) of raw, diced watermelon: 

  • K: 4% of the Daily Value (DV) 
  • Mg: 4% of the DV 
  • Vitamin A: 5% of the DV 
  • Vitamin C: 14% of the DV 
  • Calories: 46 
  • Protein: 0.9g
  • Fat: 0.2g

So, you can use this fruit for your wellness. 

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